Sharon Moore
Astrologer and Spiritual Counselor
Sharon Moore has been an astrologer and card reader for over twenty years. Her specialties in astrology include transits, progression, relationship astrology and defining the degrees of the zodiac. She practices and teaches spiritual topics such as spiritual foundation and philosophy, astrology, the "new" consciousness, end-of-life issues, the Sabian symbols, sungazing, REIKI, symbolism, and Shustah cards.
Her business, A Time For Love Astrological Services, was established in 1996, and is now called Sunology Astrology. Having discovered a systematic method to interpret the degrees in 2005, she wrote Sunology| A Guide to Source-Connection, Using Astrology's Amazing Sabian Sun Symbols, published in 2009.
She earned her undergraduate degree in Information Systems from James Madison University, in Harrisonburg, VA, and went on to be ordained and earn her Masters in Divinity from Sancta Sophia Seminary. She worked as a hospice chaplain from 1996 until 2015.
You're encouraged to attend a class or schedule a counseling/advice session or reading with her for an uplifting and spiritual experience that addresses your life cycles and issues of challenge and joy!
Buy the book, Sunology | A Guide to Source Connection (Using Astrology's Amazing Sabian Sun Symbols) for $19.99 by contacting her directly.